Um espectáculo de teatro físico
The project “L’Esquisse” originates from the will of four young actors, who have recently graduated from the International Theatre School Jacques Lecoq, in applying the knowledge acquired during the two intense years of their course in Paris. Marc Duchange (French), Ulima Ortiz (French-Colombian) and Tomás Porto (Portuguese) are going to be the performers/creators and Carolina Santos (Portuguese) is the scenographer.
They are motivated by a common technical language and the will to create a collaborative performance, in which the dramaturgical creation, the theatrical concept and even the dramaturgy is shared by everyone.
GATO SA, the theatre company of one of them, is hosting the project in its premises and integrated it in the 2018 programme. The work has been developed as a creative residence, with the technical and production support of AJAGATO and also with the dramaturgical support of the company’s director, Mário Primo.
The body and the silence are the places they will be exploring, always searching for a transposition of life into a sensitive, universal and symbolic universe. This is a stripped-down performance with a poetical nature, built from the narrative of the life of the main character, but as a physical theatre proposal, with no text, addressed to the audience’s senses as a whole.
Leo is a lonely introverted boy with a lively imagination. His father is the family’s sole breadwinner, but that forces him to be away for long periods of time, which causes Leo a lot of pain. In attempting to fill in that void, Leo takes refuge in his room, surrounded by drawings and paintings, and gives life to an imaginary friend, who is his confident, a source of inspiration and also a reflection of a growing passion for painting.
Years go by and his interest for the fine arts, initially a replacement for the paternal affection, grows more and more. With it, the boy feels free and manages to see the world through the colours and shapes that come from his painting brushes. Leo is lonelier and lonelier, as the relationship between his parents is rapidly degrading itself. Frustration grows ever stronger and the separation of the couple is inevitable. The youngster is now the “man of the house” and treads on his father’s footsteps, in a life of hard work and sacrifice.
Leo denies everything related to his childhood’s passion and steps back from his long-dated friend. It’s an act of revolt, a reaction to his father’s departure. The young man will never be the same again. Leo has now become a man, but a deep wound is bleeding silently…
Marc Duchange
Tomás Porto
Ulima Ortiz
General Assistant and Dramaturgy
Mário Primo
Rui Senos
Original music and Sound Design
Marco Martins
Scenography and Costumes
Carolina Santos
Scenery Construction
Marco Martins, Carolina Santos
Props Construction
Albert Duchange
Helena Rosa, Mário Primo
André Pacheco
Ulima Ortiz
Actriz franco-colombiana, natural de Nîmes. Descobre o teatro com 11 anos e forma-se em arte dramática na escola Teatro Libre de Bogotá (2018). Integra várias companhias profissionais: Casa del Silencio dirigida por Carlos Agudelo, pioneiro da técnica de mimo corporal dramático na Colombia; Quinta Picota; Teatro Libre, companhia de teatro clássico. Participou em várias edições do Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro de Bogotá. Realizou diversas tournées pelo país dando formação de voz e movimento. Em 2015 decide proseguir o seu percurso no teatro físico ingressando na formação de dois anos da Escola Internacional de Teatro Jacques Lecoq. Em Paris fará encontros decisivos para a sua carreira e cria com antigos alunos da escola The Klump Company e FIRST ROUND International Creative Platform.
Marc Duchange
Actor, criador e encenador francês nascido em 1991. Começou a sua formação em teatro na escola d’Aquitaine, na qual integra a companhia Pierre Debauche e participa numa dezena de criações (Racine / Shakespear / Kleist). Em 2004 representa o papel de Teobaldo em Romeu e Julieta dirigido por Pieryk Vaneuville. Cria em paralelo le monte-plants de Harold Pinter dirigido por Agnes François. Em 2015 integra a Escola Internacional de Teatro Jacques Lecoq durante dois anos. Assim que termina a sua formação começa duas criações colectivas. A primeira, um espectaculo de teatro físico em Portugal e a segunda, um espectáculo de rua em Paris. É membro do colectivo FIRST ROUND International Creative Platform.
Tomás Porto
Nasceu em 1992 e iniciou a sua formação teatral no GATO SA integrando o elenco de vários espectáculos, nomeadamente do “Vai Vem” com o qual participa numa digressão internacional. Formou-se em teatro na Universidade de Évora onde trabalhou com João Grosso, Fernanda Lapa e Natália Luiza Figueiredo, entre outros. Frequentou diversas outras formações complementares nomeadamente com Juan Carlos Agudelo Plata (Casa del Silencio), Carlos Simioni, Renato Ferracini y Ricardo Puccetti (Lume Teatro). Em 2015 integra a Escola Internacional Jacques Lecoq onde conclui o curso profissional com a duração de 2 anos. É membro do colectivo FIRST ROUND International Creative Platform.
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